Play as Ahmed, a 12-year old Syrian boy on a journey to collect breadcrumbs for him and his siblings.


This brief asks you to take interaction with the user as your starting point. Consider how as a graphic designer you can create an affordance.

You are asked to create a piece of graphic design that not simply engages the user but makes him/her physically interact with it to find out more.

You are encouraged to look at existing methods of persuasion and re-appropriate these with a personally driven objective and reasons in mind. Design in between expectation and surprise. Challenge perceptions. Your outcome needs to be suitable for an exhibition environment. Your work will be exhibited in an external venue open for the public to view and engage with. 




A platform game, in which you play as a 12-year old Syrian child named Ahmed. Due to a blockage of aid into Syria, there's a shortage of food. Ahmed must avoid dynamite, ISIS soldiers and tanks, in order to collect breadcrumbs for his siblings. 

The design is inspired by the classic platform game ‘Super Mario’. I wanted a theme that most people of all ages would find familiar. 

Through the journey of the game, the user can learn about the life of many children in Syria. The game is purposely difficult because the life of a Syrian child isn't easy.


After developing the game, I called a friend in - Casper Viriri, a great product designer, who helped me develop the arcade box in time for an exhibition at Protein Studios in Shoreditch. Thanks to his help, the game was received very well and sparked great dialogue.